Mentorship: Page 8
How the Founder of This Multimedia Company Hired Her Own Mentor
GoldieBlox founder and CEO Debbie Sterling wanted to keep her mentor as close as possible -- so she hired her to be president of the company.
The Secret to Finding a Great Mentor: Don't Ask to Be Mentored
Many entrepreneurs think of mentorship all wrong. And that means they're missing the great mentors in front of them.
Turn Fourth of July Traffic Jams Into a Your Own Personal Business Class
Stay in the know in 60 seconds.
Why Workplace Mentoring Programs Fail
A mishandled mentoring program can end up doing more harm than good.
Why Do Female-owned Businesses Face Obstacles in Funding
"Getting a bank loan for a new business idea is a big challenge in India for a woman entrepreneur"
How the Co-Founder of Cuyana Customized Her Own Career Path by Being Intentional
Shilpa Shah talks with her mentor and the president of Fandango, Paul Yanover, about their shared early days at Disney, her transformation from employee to boss and the importance of intention.
3 Ways Men Can Help Close the Gender Gap
If workplaces better accommodate women, can increases in revenue be far behind?
10 Corny but Undeniably True and Inspiring Quotes About Teamwork
As Michael Jordan said, "Talent wins games; teamwork wins championships." He ought to know.
Requiem for a Mentor
"Are you the sort of person who will wear good shoes?" he asked during the job interview. There would be many such riddles to answer.
Reach New Professional Heights With The Help Of A Mentor
One thing to note is that a mentor always wants you to succeed- this kind of support is invaluable for any female professional, especially here in the Middle East.
What It's Like to Be Mentored by Richard Branson, by Someone Who Wasn't
An entrepreneur who used to talk to a photo of Virgin's CEO on her iPhone explains that, no, she wasn't crazy; she was getting real business help.
How These Young Entrepreneurs Take Advantage of Their Co-Working Space
A co-working space can be a great place to start your business because of the help you can get from the people around you.
4 Questions to Ask About Networking Mentors
What should you expect when looking for a mentor?
Marvel's 'Black Panther' Is More Than a Movie, It's a Model for Mentorship
Look to Ryan Coogler and company's example when creating opportunity at work.
3 Reasons Why I Make Time to Mentor
The mentorship I received was invaluable and I try to pass it forward.