Multitasking: Page 7


Forget Multitasking. Real Productivity Comes From Singletasking.

With so much to distract us, getting one thing done at a time is the key to success.


20 Ways to Make This Week the Most Productive Yet

Follow these tips and see your the amount and quality of your work skyrocket to an all-time high.

Thought Leaders

It's Time to Check In on These 5 Healthy Habits You Resolved to Keep

With the year half over, it is time to revisit your personal and professional goals for the year.


Are You Addicted To Adrenaline? If So, You're Hurting Productivity.

The 'flow of production' you seek so much can become a deceptive addiction and hurt your business and life.

Business News

How to Transform Your Productivity

If we want to be excellent at work, we need to be out of balance -- and then counter-balance in the rest of our lives.

Thought Leaders

Swamped? Someone Will Get That for You.

New startups run the errands you can't.


Multitasking Can Damage Your Brain and Career, Studies Say

Researchers found that people who are regularly bombarded with several streams of electronic information cannot pay attention, recall information or switch from one job to another as well as those who complete one task at a time.

Business News

What Mindfulness and Daydreaming Have to Do With Getting Things Done

A podcast interview with David Allen, who developed one of the most popular and successful productivity methods out there.

Thought Leaders

The More Ideas You Have the Harder It Is to Know What to Do Next

Sorting through everything you need to do, want to do and dream of doing can result in doing none of it, unless you have a system for sorting it.

Business News

Too Busy to Think? You May Suffer From 'Hurry Sickness'

The ailment is hazardous to both your health and your career, says a B-school prof.


The Many Benefits of Doing One Thing at a Time

Multitasking is just a fancy word for being unfocused. There are big benefits to paying full attention to what we are doing or who we are with.


You're Actually Hurting Your Business With These 5 'Productive' Habits

Are your productivity hacks really making you better? Many are myths that are actually holding you back.


10 Strategies for Working Much Smarter

Hard work is overrated unless you're getting lots done. Science is telling us how to get more results for the same effort.


3 Small, Doable Ways to Become Wildly More Productive

Forget about doing a major overhaul of your life. Just try these strategic approaches.

Growing a Business

First Things First: The 5 Secrets to Prioritization

In the world of startups, entrepreneurs have very little time. To help organize tasks and responsibilities, consider these tips.