Myths: Page 6

Thought Leaders

5 Myths -- and One Really Big Truth -- About Being an Entrepreneur

Think you're ready to own a business? Are you sure?


Fakepreneurs, a Modern Epidemic

Encountered anyone in this category lately? Learn how to tell if someone is a genuine entrepreneur.


What Millennials Want in a Workplace Really Isn't So Crazy After All

A new study from IBM posits that the generations are more similar that we might think.

Money & Finance

5 Business Myths that Used To Be True

Whether you are a seasoned executive or a young entrepreneur looking for business management advice, you need to know the new rules of the workplace.


Ditch These 3 Popular Productivity Myths

It's important to question conventional wisdom to make sure it actually applies to you.


The Truth Behind 12 Common Startup Funding Myths

Most inexperienced entrepreneurs have overly optimistic outlooks about how to successfully finance their startups.

Money & Finance

Going Solo Doesn't Mean Going Without a 401(k)

Find out how a unique class of retirement plan can aid a single owner of a business.


McDonald's Hires Ex-'MythBusters' Host to Address Pink Slime, Other Food Rumors

The fast-food chain is tackling rumors about pink slime, McRibs and horse meat with the help of former 'MythBusters' co-host Grant Imahara, in a new ad campaign.

Making a Change

When Working on Personal Goals, Competition Is Beside the Point

Comparing yourself to others is often just a distraction when it comes to achieving self-improvement. Winning isn't everything.

Thought Leaders

It's Time to Let Go of These 7 Work-From-Home Myths

Telecommuting is a viable option for entrepreneurs, so put these falsities to rest.


A New Challenge to Disruption Theory (and a Better Idea for Dealing With New Technology)

Controversy has erupted over an influential argument on what happens when incumbent companies are confronted by innovation.

Thought Leaders

The 10 Most Shockingly Untrue Entrepreneurial Myths, Exposed

Popular wisdom says if you don't quit your job right now, you'll end up miserable and poor. Don't drink the Kool-Aid.

Starting a Business

7 Myths of Developing Mobile Apps

First-time developers should know what to expect as they attempt to build a product and gain traction.


The Myth of Working Hard vs. Working Smart

Can you get to the top without pushing yourself during long work days?


5 Stubbornly Persistent Business Myths

Everyone seems to want to give advice about how best to run your business and your life. It's time to throw out that mythology.