Parenting: Page 5

Starting a Business

10 Reasons Why More Parents Should Become Entrepreneurs

Being a parent actually makes you better prepared to start a business.

Science & Technology

Am I a Hypocrite If I Shield My Child From the Digital Tools I Help Create?

This is my promise to my son, to reconcile my hopes for technology's role in our lives with my fears for what it might do to him.

News and Trends

Married or Single Parent: Who Faces More Workplace Bias?

Mothers and fathers experience different biases at work, with mothers being penalized and fathers benefitting from their parenthood status

News and Trends

How a Rude Boss Can Hamper Your Parenting Style

New research finds a link between experiencing rude behavior at work and authoritarian parenting by working mothers


How Reddit's Alexis Ohanian Balances Work and Family

The entrepreneur and investor, shares his take on parental leave and work-life balance.


How I Started a Business and Had a Baby in One Year Without Going (Completely) Insane

A new mother writes about how she managed two 'babies' at a time over the course of one harrowing but happy year.


How to Prepare Your Budget Before Your First Child

Four tips for getting your house in order before adding a new resident


Don't Fear Failure. It's How You Get to the Right Answer.

Peanut co-founder and CEO Michelle Kennedy explains why trial and error will lead you to success.

Thought Leaders

How Does Your Parenting Technique Compare to Elon Musk's, Sheryl Sandberg's and Jeff Bezos'?

How much screen time do tech giants allow their kids? And which entrepreneur let his kids play with sharp knives?

Starting a Business

#6 Ways Parenting Startups Can Make Their Way To Mainstream Success

Considering the intense penetration of the digital media, parents often prefer the digital route to seek solutions to various parenting problems.


Success Requires Knowing What You Won't Compromise

Flexibility and tolerance are important but know what you won't bend on is crucial.

Thought Leaders

3 Ways to Raise Your Kids to Think -- and Solve Problems -- Like an Entrepreneur

Kids who feel lost in the face of adversity today will encounter substantial challenges in the "Fourth Revolution" of tomorrow.

Thought Leaders

Do Your Kids Really Need College?

If you think your kid absolutely needs a college degree, you're living in the 1990s.


3 Tips for Raising Your Kids to Be Empathetic Entrepreneurs

Teaching children empathy now lays the foundation for a rewarding future, including in the business world.


How Dealing With Toddler Tantrums Has Made Me a Better Leader

While you shouldn't manage employees like children, there are strategies you can borrow from your parenting skills.