Parenting: Page 10

Social Media

9 Things Baby Zuckerberg Should Know About Her Famous Parents

Welcome, Zuckerbaby. You've got some big shoes to fill.

Data & Recovery

Children's Photos Among Data Stolen in Hack of Toy Maker VTech

A vigilante hacker's breach of 5 million accounts for the Hong Kong-based Internet-connected toy maker brings parents' worst nightmares into reality.

Social Media

Facebook Expands Parental Leave Ahead of the Birth of Mark Zuckerberg's Baby

The social juggernaut joins a growing list of global tech giants sweetening perks for parents.


8 Financial Tips for Single Parents Facing the Holidays

Is your child pulling on your heartstrings, begging for that special toy or trip? What you should do is plan.


Honesty and Acceptance Starts With Self

You have to come clean with yourself first if you expect authenticity from others -- in business and in life.


Have Young Kids? Here's How You Can Still Be Productive Working From Home.

Time management and hiring a baby sitter once in a while are essential in order to keep your sanity.

Thought Leaders

An 11-Year-Old Boy's 5 Tips for Entrepreneurial Parents

Your kids can deal with you being busy but not with being excluded.

Making a Change

3 Pieces of Advice From a Father Who Made It as an Entrepreneur

While my journey is still in progress, I've made it to the other side in terms of figuring out what I want and trying to balance life's demands while getting there.

Business News

8 Entrepreneurial Skills You Should Teach Your Kids (Infographic)

You bet they're already fantasizing about being their own boss. All they need is a nudge from you.

Thought Leaders

An Entrepreneur Reflects on Free Time Now That His Kids, and Business, Are Grown Up

Jim Joseph doesn't miss diapers, but he does miss the primary school days. Oh, and the hunger of growing his agency.

Thought Leaders

With Every Passing Phase of Life, Remember 'This Too Shall Pass'

The head of a marketing agency looks to the future as his two young adult children get ready for their next steps.


How I Manage 5 Kids and a Growing Business

Carve out 'sacred time' with your kids every night. Because they don't stay young forever.

Thought Leaders

For Parent-Entrepreneurs, Stop the Guilt by Focusing on One Thing at a Time

Business owners with kids can feel like there is never enough time to do everything at work and at home.

Thought Leaders

Now, Rather Than Later: How to Foster Learning for a Business-Minded Child

Here are four ways to fan the flame of your son or daughter's entrepreneurial aptitude.