These 3 Baby Photos Mark Zuckerberg Shared on Facebook Will Melt Your Heart Parenthood looks good on the young tech billionaire.
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When Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook at the tender age of 19, we doubt he imagined ever posting baby pics on it -- let alone of his own baby girl. But here he is, all grown up and a billionaire, using his social media network to do what new parents naturally do -- show off photos of their newborn babies, one drooly, adorable image at a time.
And, we must say, fatherhood looks good on Zuck. He seems to be happily embracing the role, from getting right in the trenches and changing baby Maxima's diapers to reading her naptime books -- about science and math, of course. He's apparently squeezing a lot of quality time in.
With two months of parental leave on his calendar, there's no time to waste.
Related: Randi Zuckerberg's Simple Secret for Juggling Career and Kids
Here are Zuckerberg's latest heart-melting baby pic posts -- one in which he's shown wearing an uncharacteristically colorful shirt (purple) -- and in all of which he's beaming with new parent pride.
1. "One more down, thousands to go."
One more down, thousands to go.
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Friday, December 11, 2015
Here we see Zuckerberg "leaning in" -- on diaper duty -- just about the least fun parental obligation in the book. He looks like a trooper, though, taking the job in stride, big smile and all. Forget about Zuck -- how cute is Maxima, though, showing off an irresistible teeny-tiny baby smile herself? Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg liked the cute pic, along with nearly 2 million other people.
Related: 9 Things Baby Zuckerberg Should Know About Her Famous Parents
2. "Quantum Physics for Babies!"
My next book for A Year of Books is Quantum Physics for Babies!Just kidding. It's actually World Order by Henry...
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, December 10, 2015
Just what every newborn baby wants to hear: the sound of her parents' loving voices -- reading to her about how energy is "quantized." Because, hey, it's never too early to get kids hooked STEM, the foundation of a critical skillset that Zuckerberg thinks can help humanity solve many of the "fundamental problems we're facing as a society..." No pressure, Max.
But wait, your dad is only pulling your little leg about the book. "Just kidding," he wrote when sharing the pic, in which you look riveted. Technically, you're asleep. "It's actually World Order by Henry Kissinger -- about foreign relations and how we can build peaceful relationships throughout the world. This is important for creating the world we all want for our children, and that's what I'm thinking about these days."
Fellow parental units, stay tuned for more kid book-related posts from papa Zuckerberg. He says his next book list is looking like it'll be "A Year of Children's Books!"
Related: Facebook Expands Parental Leave Ahead of the Birth of Mark Zuckerberg's Baby
3. "Full of joy with little Max."
Full of joy with little Max.
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Cuteness times a thousand doesn't even begin to describe this delightfully candid snap. Nose to miniature nose on what appears to be a carpeted floor, father and daughter are love-locked in a sweet gaze. Trust us, one day before he knows it, Zuckerberg will miss when his baby girl was this small, mini enough to hold in his protecting hands...or to tote around in a front-pack. We expect to see him sporting one -- kid in tow -- over his trademark hoodie any day now.
City University of New York journalism professor Jeff Jarvis perfectly captured the feeling the photo inspires in one word: "Melt." Yep, that's pretty much what our hearts did when we laid eyes on this precious moment, too.
These are surely the first of many heartwarming pics of baby Max and her pop to come. Bring "em on, Daddy Facebook. We're a bit hesitant to admit it, but we're really looking forward to them.
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