Personal Values: Page 3

Business News

5 Positive Ways to Overcome Betrayal in Life and Business

Treasure your hard-learned lessons, then turn away from the person who hurt you and toward building the life you want to live.

Thought Leaders

6 Important Values Entrepreneurial Parents Can Teach Their Children

The principles that help startup leaders succeed will also help your kids -- and your relationship with them -- flourish.


Getting Rich Doesn't Have to Change Successful Entrepreneurs for the Worse

Everybody knows what they will do with the money when they get it but not everybody understands what the money will do to their lives if they don't have solid values.


10 Signs That You Suck As a Leader

Your staff won't tell you that you're terrible. You'll just have to figure it out yourself.


What's A Job Title Really Worth?

Just as the map is not the territory, the job title is not the job. Focus on the who, what, where and how of your job to discover its true value.


How the Kid With the Clock Disappointed Us

National introspection about the arrest of an inventive Muslim teen will likely be muted by news his family has left the US and is threatening a lawsuit.

Thought Leaders

You'll Never Be Paid So Much That You Will Love Your Meaningless Job

The necessity and challenge of paying the bills is great but work that we know is meaningless is another sort of poverty entirely.


5 Ways to Instantly Connect With Anyone You Meet

Break bad communication habits and gain trust with these subtle techniques.


8 Ways to Boost Your Confidence

No one is stopping you from what you want to accomplish but yourself. It's time to remove that barrier of self-doubt.

Money & Finance

25 Quotes About Making Money and Keeping Perspective

Success, happiness and money are intertwined but seldom interchangeable.


How Strong Company Values Build the Team Fledgling Startups Need

Cash-strapped startups can attract and retain committed employees by offering opportunity and a mission.

Thought Leaders

Are You a Management Consultant or an Entrepreneur?

This simple test may predict which way you are wired.


It's Time to Fall in Love With Your Business Again

Keep the passion alive that motivated you to start your business by remembering where you began and celebrating how far you've come.

Growing a Business

Boost Employees' Engagement by Truly Inviting Their Feedback

Managers are bypassing an important resource if they don't solicit staff opinion. Check out six ways to do so.

Growing a Business

10 Ways You're Already a Success

Be proud of every value you haven't compromised in the entrepreneurial pressure cooker.