Privacy Concerns: Page 2


The Premium Inventory Opportunity Amid the Retail Media Surge

Retail media is the future -- this new approach will improve profitability by reducing costs.

Science & Technology

5 Reasons Why Data-Driven Companies Should Start Using Synthetic Data

Any company that depends upon data utilization knows that real-world data is challenging in terms of both cost and overall applicability: How synthetic data is increasingly coming to the rescue.

Thought Leaders

Farmers Have Trust Issues With Big Data -- For The Same Reasons We All Do

Precision agriculture is changing the way people farm. But the familiar pitfalls of data collection threaten to hold the industry back.


7 Reasons Why Hong Kong is Still Asia's No. 1 Spot for International Business

With an established reputation, few trade barriers and low tax and compliance costs, Hong Kong remains the go-to option.


Safeguarding Digital Identities: Why Data Privacy Should Matter To You (And Your Business)

Trust in the use of our personal data on digital platforms is more than a digital issue; it affects our broader trust in institutions and our society collectively.

Social Media

5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Shape the Future of Social Media

Methods of innovating with social technologies, and how we can explore an ethically better social-media frontier.

Business News

Why Facebook Is Shutting Down Its Face-Recognition System

The process will take place gradually over the coming weeks.

Science & Technology

Hide Your Data From Brokers with This Innovative Tool

Optery makes it significantly more difficult for businesses to add you to call lists, email lists, and much more.

Social Media

What Businesses Need to Know about the Google Ad Changes for Data Privacy and Enhanced Conversions

Google is capable of collecting mountains of pertinent data, but users are increasingly concerned about their privacy.


The Cookie is Actually Crumbling in Advertising: Here's What to Know in B2B vs. B2C

Cookies have long been used by advertisers looking to track consumer activity across the web in order to boost their advertising efforts.

Science & Technology

The Proactive Solution to Data Protection That Every Modern Business Should Be Using

Data has exploded over recent years, making privacy and consent more important than ever before -- both morally and legally.

Business News

China Said to Restrict Tesla Usage by Military Personnel

China restricts the use of Tesla vehicles for some personnel due to security concerns.

Science & Technology

Protect Your Business Privacy with This Decentralized Security Hardware

Secure and enhance your browsing on a decentralized network.

Business News

What Happens if You Don't Accept WhatsApp's New Privacy Policy?

You won't be able to read or send messages from the app until you accept the new terms.

News and Trends

Privacy Insight: Whatsapp Vs Signal Vs Telegram

Earlier the comparison between the apps was based purely on the features they provide but now people are more concerned about their data