Shopping: Page 4


The Role of Proximity Marketing in Shaping up New Retail in India

The sooner we begin leveraging this concept the sooner small and medium brands will be able to enrich the shopping experience

Starting a Business

Why E-commerce in Jewelry is a Big Challenge

The time is right for the jewellers to strengthen their omni-channel presence to influence the consumers

News and Trends

A Big Boost For The Confluence Of Online And Offline Markets

The big and small retail brands are increasingly opting for an omnichannel presence in order to serve hundreds of millions of consumers

News and Trends

With Flipkart in its Cart, Can Walmart Make Indian E-commerce More Accessible?

Walmart can now ensure its steady growth in India


Do Women Really Spend More Than Their Male Counterparts?

Women spend more than men and it is empowering, fulfilling and therapeutic


10 Crazy Effects Music Has on Your Brain

Here's how different types of tunes affect your productivity, creativity, spending habits and more.

Business News

The 15 Craziest Things These Billionaires Spend Their Money on

See some of the most expensive things billionaires have bought.

Business News

No-Checkout 'Amazon Go' Store Opens Today in Seattle

When you're finished collecting your items, just walk out of the store. No more lines.


#5 Retail Technology Trends to Watch-out For in 2018

A retailer in India has to be pragmatic enough to understand the market dynamics, accept the technological disruptions and adapt accordingly

News and Trends

#7 Trends That Will Shape Fashion E-Retail in 2018

Consumer needs are more likely to become sophisticated and technology-driven in the years to come


How This Fashion Retail Brand is Max-imising its Growth

From being the first employee, today Vasanth Kumar has risen to be the Executive Director at Max Fashion

Business News

Chinese Mall Introduces Husband Storage Pods

Why drag someone around a mall when you can leave them happily playing games while you buy stuff?

News and Trends

'Innovation is not an Option, It's a Requirement'

SPAR India Chief Rajeev Krishnan does not consider online retail as a competition for his group.

Business News

Walmart Wants Drones in Stores Shopping for You

Rather than walk around a store, a drone will collect what you want and fly it across the store ready for collection.

Business News

Amazon Considers Supermarkets Staffed by 3 People

There's also a fleet of robots ensuring orders get filled.