Small Business Financing: Page 3

Money & Finance

3 Ways You Can Help Save Your Favorite Small Business

One in four small businesses could fold in the next six months. Individuals can help – at little personal cost.

Business News

Free On-Demand Webinar: How to Improve Your Business's Cash Flow

Watch this on-demand webinar and learn how your small business can increase cash flow.

Business News

SMBX – Small Business Bonds Marketplace Review

SMBX is an online marketplace that allows individual investors to buy small business financial securities. It can be difficult for some small businesses to get a business loan. With SMBX, a small business owner is taking a different route. In this case, they are raising capital from the public

Money & Finance

How Per Diem Payments Can Simplify Your Accounting and Taxes

Take advantage of these tax-saving moves for your small business.

Business News

Free On-Demand Webinar: How to Build a Successful Business Without Outside Financing

ZipRecruiter CEO, Ian Siegel, shares his best tips for starting a business and how to get hired now in the current job market.

Business News

Are Immigrant Entrepreneurs Left Behind By Small-Business Aid?

The pandemic eliminated 36 percent of immigrant small-business owners, according to reports.

Operations & Logistics

Should I Return My Small-Business Loan? (Updated)

It's a good question. And with the SBA PPP deadline looming, we sought out an expert to answer it.

Operations & Logistics

Minority-Owned Small Businesses Aren't Getting Stimulus Loans. Could That Finally Change?

So far, in the scramble to disperse SBA relief loans, big banks have passed over the most vulnerable businesses in favor of bigger "small" businesses. But Congress's latest stimulus package gives $60 billion in PPP to key community lenders.

Business News

Shake Shack Received, Then Returned, $10 Million in Stimulus Funding

Danny Meyer chain gives back SBA PPP loan after being criticized for taking money meant for struggling small businesses.

Business News

8 Ways Business Owners Can Take Advantage of the Federal Stimulus Package

Our experts, Mark J. Kohler and Mat Sorensen, nationally respected tax lawyers, will guide you to maximize your benefits from the stimulus package.

Business News

Senate Passes $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill

Landmark measure includes checks for Americans and small-business loans.

Business News

Facebook Pledges $100 Million To Small Businesses Impacted By Coronavirus

It's also giving $1,000 bonuses to each of its employees.

Growing a Business

3 New Rules for Selling Your Business to Big Brands

Landing big brands and corporate clients will boost your business prospects in more ways than one


Supply Curtailed, Demand Still Robust For SME Lending in India, Says This Start-Up Founder

Namaste Credit co-founder Gaurav Anand believes the challenge is now for fintech companies to make sure that the tech adoption by SMEs continues.


Evolution of SME Lending in India

Nano-businesses are now aggressively ditching moneylenders that charge up to 90per cent annualized interest rates on loans towards loan aggregator platforms