Small Business Heroes


Why Gratitude Makes Leaders More Effective

Here are nine effective ways to show your genuine gratitude on a daily basis.

Business Ideas

20 Business Ideas for Stay at Home Parents to Start in 2023

Looking for a new way to make money from home? Here are 20 businesses that you can start with very little money.

Starting a Business

The Green Berets Who Went From Elite Warriors to Elite Bourbon Makers

Their secret mission in the days following 9/11 inspired a book, a movie, a monument and now, an all-American business.


33 Inspiring Quotes About Achieving Your Dreams as an Entrepreneur

Leaders of companies big and small share the mindset it takes to attain success in the face of all obstacles.

Thought Leaders

How to Write a Book (and Actually Finish It) in 5 Steps

This guide offers a roadmap on how to write a book from beginning to end.

Business News

7 Common Questions About Self-Publishing on Amazon

This guide can help you decide whether self-publishing on Amazon is right for you, your book and your business.

Business Plans

How to Hire and Win the War for Talent

If you can't find the right people to hire, you might be looking in the wrong places.

Making a Change

Stuck In a Rut? Here Are 15 Ways to Pull Yourself Out of a Bad Situation.

If you can't get out of your motivational funk, your productivity will plummet.


9 Signs It's Time for You to Step Down as a Leader

It's never easy to move on from a business, but here are nine signs that it might be the right move.

Starting a Business

Scratching the Itch: Knowing When to Leave a Job or to Stay

The average person now holds 12 jobs across a career, but how do you know when it's time to leave one company for another?

Buying / Investing in Business

2 Chainz Just Bought a Music Festival. His Advice To Entrepreneurs: Take Chances!

'Investing is a good thing - period,' says the new co-owner of Atlanta's A3C Conference and Festival.

Growing a Business

3 Purpose-Driven Ways to Increase Your Company's Productivity

Meaningful missions and profitable work needn't be mutually exclusive.


Why Today's Best Business Leaders Look to Stoicism

An entrepreneur's guide to this ancient Greek philosophy.

Social Media

8 Examples of Brilliant Instagram Marketing

These high-profile accounts demonstrate how to capitalize on your target audience.


Passing the Torch: 4 Tips to Ensure That You Thrive As a Successor-CEO

Congratulations! You're about to head your company! Now, how do you deal with that ex-CEO who's so used to "running the show"?