
Kings League, la liga de futbol de Piqué e Ibai que está rompiendo el internet

En sus dos primeras jornadas, la Kings League ha tenido tanto éxito, que algunos piensan que pueden desplazar al futbol convencional.


Twitch cambia las condiciones para los streamers que ganen más de $100,000 dólares; se quedará con el 50% de las ganancias

La plataforma de streaming favorita de los gamers anuncia un cambio importante para los streamers que son exitosos en ella.


Twitch planea reducir los ingresos por suscripción a un 50% y los creadores de contenido no están contentos

Además, la plataforma busca el modo de incentivar a los streamers para que muestren más publicidad en sus transmisiones.

Business News

Twitch plans to cut subscription revenue by 50% and content creators aren't happy

In addition, the platform is looking for ways to incentivize streamers to display more advertising on their streams.


Los ingresos publicitarios de YouTube están a la baja, ¿TikTok tiene la culpa?

La empresa asegura que la desaceleración de la plataforma está ligada al entorno global con problemas en la cadena de suministros, inflación y guerras, pero no habla de su agresiva competencia.

Social Media

YouTube ad revenue is down, is TikTok to blame?

The company assures that the slowdown of the platform is linked to the global environment with problems in the supply chain, inflation and wars, but does not mention its aggressive competition.

Business News

Report: Twitch Eyes Original Reality TV Shows

The Amazon subsidiary reportedly plans to fund a slate of unscripted series.

Business News

Highly Paid 'Fortnite' Streamer Breaks Twitch Records With Help From Drake

'Ninja' saw more than 635,000 people watch his stream with Drake and Travis Scott.

Business News

Twitch Users Are Playing the Stock Market With $50,000

All Twitch users can vote for which stocks to buy and sell, with the $50,000 invested being real money.

Social Media

Who's the Next PewDiePie?

YouTubers with an authentic voice are using the platform to turn 15 minutes of fame into cross-promotional multimillion-dollar brands.

Science & Technology

Julia Child to Inaugurate Popular Gaming Platform Twitch's New Cooking Channel

Twitch is the second streaming platform to get into the food space this month, a week after the launch of Steve Chen's Nom.

Data & Recovery

Why Google is Looking to Scoop Up Twitch

Described as the YouTube on online gaming, Google is reportedly ready to buy Twitch for upwards of $1 billion.