Adrian Davis
Adrian Davis, the author of Human-to-Human Selling: How to Sell Real and Lasting Value in an Increasingly Digital and Fast-Paced World, is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) and an expert in strategic selling and account management.
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To Have a Successful Meeting With Executives, Salespeople Need to P.U.S.H.
Skip 'consultative selling' and focus on this strategy instead.
Becoming Indispensable to Your Customers
Your approach to value creation must begin with, be in partnership with and end with the customer
Improve Your Sales Team's Performance by Mastering These 5 Fundamentals
In the world of complex business-to-business selling there is no such thing as a born salesperson.
5 Tips on Assigning Ownership to Key Sales Accounts
More often than not, multiple salespeople sell different product lines into an account deemed critical. When the question of account ownership surfaces, here is how to handle it.
4 Secrets for Navigating the New Sales World
With new trends emerging, the sales landscape is changing. Here are a few tips on how salespeople can adapt.
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