Anna James


Anna James is a journalist based in Sydney, Australia. Within six months, Anna built up her own creative freelance business from scratch and writes for several clients who are leaders in business.

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Social Media

11 Foolproof Ways to Grow Your Small-Business Facebook Following

You don't need to be a social-media expert to be an effective marketer on the platform.

Social Media

18 Effective Social-Media Tools That Will Save You Time

Get a head start on next year's marketing efforts with this batch of apps for all five of the major networks.

Social Media

6 Reasons Why You Should Quit Facebook

Studies show the social network drives us to spend more and work less and makes us unhappy.

Health & Wellness

10 Ways to De-Stress at Your Desk (Learned from Kids)

Take a minute per day to forget that you're an overworked adult and see your anxiety melt away.


How to Say 'I'm the Best' Without Actually Saying It

If you're not promoting yourself, you may be losing out on opportunities.

Buying / Investing in Business

10 Interesting Investments to Make in Your 20s

Before you have any serious financial obligations, here are some things to put your money in that will pay off later in life.

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