David Ferrell
SecondAct contributor David Ferrell is a former Los Angeles Times staff writer and the author of Screwball, a comic baseball novel.
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Impact Investing for the Rest of Us
You don't have to be Bill Gates to make a difference as a social entrepreneur. Here's how Ron Cordes is using the financial empire he built to help others.
5 Winning Baseball Books
Book buzz: The must-reads of 2012 include "The Art of Fielding" and "Damn Yankees."
Taking a Gap Year? Go Global
These burned-out professionals decided to use career breaks to tour -- and work -- the world.
What's a Gap Year and Why Might You Need One?
More midlifers are reinventing themselves through self-authorized career breaks and reaping the restorative benefits of time off.
From Chicago CEO to 'Trop Rock' in Key West
This former CEO donated his suits to the Salvation Army and now dons Hawaiian shirts to sing and host a TV show.
Toothpaste Magnate Finds an Eco-Friendly Encore
Tom Chappell launches a sustainable wool comfortwear business with the same social conscience as his Tom's of Maine.
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