Eric Basu
Eric Basu is the CEO of Sentek Global, a provider of government and commercial cybersecurity and information technology solutions.
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4 Cybersecurity Best Practices for Your Organization
Protect your company from the growing concern of data breaches.
Why Hackers Go After All Your Info, Not Just the Important Stuff
You may think your company is too small to get noticed. Think again.
Lessons from Anthem: Make Every Employee Part of the Cyber Security Team
Integrate prevention into your corporate culture.
Sometimes Hackers Just Want to Embarrass You
The fallout for a cyber attack can include a major hit to a company's reputation. Be proactive on the public-relations front.
The Metcalf Sniper Attack and Its Lesson for CEOs
While many executives might regard physical and cybersecurity risks to their operations as separate issues, they may be intertwined.
Why Competitors Should Collaborate More on Cyber Security Issues
More companies should follow the lead of a financial industry consortium that shares information to avoid security risks.
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