Eric Basu


Eric Basu is the CEO of Sentek Global, a provider of government and commercial cybersecurity and information technology solutions. 

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Science & Technology

4 Cybersecurity Best Practices for Your Organization

Protect your company from the growing concern of data breaches.

Science & Technology

Why Hackers Go After All Your Info, Not Just the Important Stuff

You may think your company is too small to get noticed. Think again.

Science & Technology

Lessons from Anthem: Make Every Employee Part of the Cyber Security Team

Integrate prevention into your corporate culture.

Science & Technology

Sometimes Hackers Just Want to Embarrass You

The fallout for a cyber attack can include a major hit to a company's reputation. Be proactive on the public-relations front.

Data & Recovery

The Metcalf Sniper Attack and Its Lesson for CEOs

While many executives might regard physical and cybersecurity risks to their operations as separate issues, they may be intertwined.

Science & Technology

Why Competitors Should Collaborate More on Cyber Security Issues

More companies should follow the lead of a financial industry consortium that shares information to avoid security risks.

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