Gabrielle Boko


Gabrielle Boko is the executive vice president of marketing at Irvine, California-based Sage North America, which provides software to small and medium-sized businesses.

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Starting a Business

What Makes Startups Succeed When 40 Percent Fail?

A recent poll of entrepreneurs reports that advisors, work/life balance and a business plan are all absolute musts for success.


5 Lessons From Mostly Safe Super Bowl Ads

Small businesses can learn for free valuable take-home points from the companies that paid $4.5 million for airtime.


6 Viral-Marketing Lessons to Learn From the Ice Bucket Challenge

Keep your audience entertained with a video or photo that they want to see.

Business Ideas

5 Places to Look on Social Media for New Business Ideas

For entrepreneurs looking to dive into the startup world, turn to social media for brainstorming new venture concepts.

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