Harry Red


Harry Red is an entrepreneur, writer and tech guy. He is also founder and CEO of Infyrno, and driven to help his fellow entrepreneurs build great companies.

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Why Even Space Startups Insist Sales Are More Important Than Technology

It doesn't matter how great your product is -- if you can't sell it, you'll never be able to make it.

Buying / Investing in Business

Do Your Homework and Avoid a Venture Capital Nightmare

Three tips to make your venture deals safer.

Growing a Business

3 Reasons Tech Startups Fall Into a Death Spiral

Instant failure would be better than a long and slow demise from diminishing returns.

Growing a Business

How to Succeed Even When You're Wrong 6 Times Out of 10

There are so many unknowns when you launch a business that mostly what you think will happen doesn't. That's just something else you have to factor in.

Growing a Business

3 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Got It Right From the Start

Pick the right customers, tune into their existing conversations, and embrace a deeper calling you resonate with.

Buying / Investing in Business

3 Factors Potential Acquirers Consider Before Buying a Startup

Play the long game starting the day you launch.