Himanshu Sareen
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3 Mobile Analytics Platforms for Measuring User Engagement
You don't know if you have a successful app if you're not measuring how users engage with it.
4 Transformational Questions Your Business Should Ask
Utilizing Operational Transformation Methodologies can help any business in every stage of automation.
A 4-Step Checklist That Will Increase Your Chances of Starting a Successful Businesses
To be one of the 10 percent of businesses that actually become legitimate you have to show a tremendous amount of dedication, and put in an insane amount of time.
3 Enterprise Business Intelligence Trends That Can Benefit Your Business
Social intelligence? Smart analytics? Threat intelligence? It's time you learned about these new tools.
Don't Believe the Hype: 4 Tech Trends That Aren't Going Mainstream This Year
This technology could, on the other hand, be taking root in more subtle ways.
3 Promising Trends for Smaller Businesses in 2015
There are ever fewer barriers to small and medium sized businesses using technology and data as effectively as the largest companies.
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