Isaiah Hankel


Isaiah Hankel is founder and CEO of Cheeky Scientist; he helps people with Ph.D.s transition into meaningful, high-paying industry careers. He is also a STEM Ph.D. and a Fortune 500 consultant.


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Resumes & Interviewing

Big Names Like Facebook Are Recruiting Ph.D.s -- Here's How You Can, Too

There's a significant and largely untapped resource available that many competitors are overlooking: academia.


7 Toxic People to Avoid When Starting a Business

Beware of those who will try to sabotage your efforts, including yourself.


Why Entrepreneurs Who Complain Are Setting Themselves Up to Fail

Did you know that complaining destroys neurons in your brain's problem-solving hippocampus?

Business Plans

10 Types of People Who Will Help Your Business Succeed

You may be running the show, but having a 'lightning rod' and 'maestro' on your side is critical to your company's success.

Thought Leaders

5 Benefits of Being a Misfit Entrepreneur

Don't try so hard to conform. You might hurt your chances at startup success.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

10 People Who Will Destroy Your Business

Be wary of those who have flash or cash but not your best interests in mind.

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