Jaideep Singh


Jaideep Singh is CEO of FlyFin, a solution that automates 95% of an individual’s tax filing through AI coupled with human expertise. As a serial entrepreneur and investor, he focuses on disruptive technologies and startups to invest in, creating more than $3 billion in value for companies.

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Top Income Tax-Deduction Tips for Creators, Social Influencers and Gig Workers

The workforce is more diversified than ever, so let's shine a light on the spectrum of allowable deductions.

Money & Finance

4 Tips for Creators to Navigate Finances the Smart Way

Content creator work is an innovation on the traditional 9-5 work schedule. As such, it requires a creative combination of some new financial strategies with tried-and-true tips.

Business News

These 5 Freelance Jobs Are Being Transformed by AI

AI has made an unmistakable impact in every industry, and it performs even better with the help of humans. These five freelance jobs are evidence.


Los mejores consejos para la deducción de impuestos sobre la renta para creadores, personas influyentes en las redes sociales y trabajadores temporales

La fuerza laboral está más diversificada que nunca, así que echemos un vistazo al espectro de las deducciones permitidas.