Jenn Steele
Jenn Steele is director of product marketing at Indix, a product intelligence platform that helps ecommerce businesses make smart product decisions. She previously worked for Amazon and HubSpot and holds degrees from MIT and Simmons School of Management.
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Diagnose your problem in six steps.
5 Reasons the Best Performers Underestimate Their Value
When self-doubt creeps in, your possibilities become limited.
6 Illusions Execs Have About Big Data
Big data has become a buzzword so prevalent that it's practically meaningless.
Bay Area Hiring: Stiff Competition for Mediocre Talent
Good luck competing against Facebook and Google.
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A female candidate with multiple job possibilities is likely to lean in toward a company that sends in a 'natural' female interviewer.
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One reason so many startups fail is that they are led by brats who confuse ping-pong for company culture and criticism for treason.
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