Jennifer Shaheen
Jennifer Shaheen, the e-marketing and Technology Therapist, has more than 10 years experience working with small- to mid-sized businesses on their e-marketing and web development needs. You can learn more about her by visiting her web site,
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What's in Store for Websites in 2011
From mobility to scalabilty, here's a look at the top trends in ecommerce for the coming year.
How to Choose the Right Web Server
Your website is only as good as the speed and support behind it. Use these tips to find a host that will best fit your needs.
Moving On: Managing Your Website Migration
A successful transition can be as easy as asking the right questions.
Are You Giving Your Web Customers What They Need?
If you're loyal to them, they'll return the favor.
Death of the 5-Page Website
An effective website should work and grow with your business.
The Online Store for the New Decade
Before you can make sales, you'll need to make connections.
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