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News and Trends

How This Man Turned Around His Life With Two Ventures

Immensely fueled by the desire to create a difference, Khalid Ahmed tapped into his innovative prowess and dominated the entrepreneurial scene by creating two esteemed companies, which are recognized for selling high-quality weighted blankets and computer parts


The Unexpected Face Of Luxury Hospitality

Prince A. Sanders pivot into hospitality was born of his upbringing and family life


A Blockchain Solution For Social Media Problems

MediaCoin is a new way to both share your content and to earn from what you've shared

News and Trends

Starlay Finance Gets Ready For Second $LAY Token Sale

The expected total worth of the tokens to be issued as airdrop surpasses $5 million, and these are tokens from DeCartel dApps (decentralized applications) as well


Southeast Asia: The World's Gateway to Web3

Innovations in fintech have proven to have found a large niche in the Southeast Asian market as the population is very adaptable


How This Brand Is Transforming Men's Fashion In 2022

BYLT Basics' diverse collection of elegant and stylish clothing is paving the way for men's and women's premium versatile fashion