Matt Straz: Page 7


Matt Straz is the founder and CEO of Namely, the HR and payroll platform for the world's most exciting companies.

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Latest: Page 7

Growing a Business

5 Affordable Ways to Create a Work Environment that Engages Employees

Creating an open office that is orderly, comfortable and colorful costs little but dramatically improves productivity and job satisfaction.


4 Data-Backed Reasons to Use Mobile in the Workplace

Mobile technology is reshaping work and business but few companies have taken full advantage of the potential.


4 Ways to Banish Post-Holiday Blues From the Workplace

Once the winter holidays are past, it's just winter. That's when your team needs to be rallied.

Money & Finance

5 Essentials for Raising Your Growth Round of Funding

A startup needs a good story to secure initial funding and good numbers to get a second round.


How to Add Senior Management to Your Startup Without Losing Your First Team

Don't be in a hurry to hire at the top. Proceed methodically when you do.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

5 Ways to Hold Together Your Startup Team When the Company Is Growing

You risk losing the zeal that launched the company if the merry band who rolled the dice with you feels they don't have a role any more.