Mike Canarelli
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You Can't Afford to Fixate on Results at Any Cost
There's an upside to giving employees freedom to reach company goals on their own terms, but it isn't all upside.
Brexit Is Complicating Digital Marketing and EU Data Privacy
An already uncertain framework for protecting users was jolted by Brexit.
Digital Marketing in a 'Culture of Victimhood'
Given the today's hyper-sensitivity toward misogyny, racism and other forms of bigotry, you may commit unwitting 'microaggressions.' Here's how not to.
How Social Impact Strategies Just Might Save the World
They may also save your company from a damaging corporate misstep.
Leverage the Holiday Season's Home Stretch
Extend promotions, build long-term relationships and be last-minute shopper-friendly. Building customer rapport is a year-round matter.
5 Tactics to Get Digitally Prepared for Black Friday Weekend
Regardless of where you sell your goods or services primarily, a little advanced digital preparation can help you take advantage of "Windfall Weekend."
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