Patti Johnson


Patti Johnson is a career and workplace expert and the CEO of PeopleResults, a change and organizational development-consulting firm in Irving, Texas. She is the author of Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life. Previously Johnson was a senior executive at Accenture.

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Starting a Business

5 Points of Wisdom the Wright Brothers Can Offer About Leading Big Change

Learn from these Fathers of Flight how to confront your challenges, and your own dream just might take flight.


Is Your Tolerance for Change Tripping You Up?

Do you adapt to new concepts and solutions at the same rate your team members do?


5 Tips to Avoid Creating Change Spectators

Have a big change in store for your business? Here are ways to effectively convey the message to your team.


4 Secrets to Starting an 'Idea Epidemic'

Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? Can you match that?

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How Analytics and Data Can Undermine Leaders

Four things to avoid to make sure you're using big data effectively.


3 Common Leadership Habits That Are Stifling Your Success

The traits most likely to cause problems are often easily confused for strong influence.

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