Portia Antonia Alexis

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Portia Antonia Alexis is a London-based consumer-goods business analyst, neuroeconomist and mathematician. She analyzes solutions to economic, finance, entrepreneurial and business issues using neuroeconomic methods.

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Science & Technology

How ChatGPT Is Changing One Industry — But Challenges Are on the Horizon

ChatGPT and artificial intelligence have the potential to change the way many of our jobs operate, but that doesn't mean it's the perfect solution — or that it won't come with difficulties.

Science & Technology

Luxury Brands Are Attempting to Participate in the Metaverse

The promising financial and advertising value in the metaverse has brands jumping into the game.


Las marcas de lujo intentan participar en el metaverso

El valor financiero y publicitario prometedor en el metaverso hace que las marcas se sumen al juego.

Social Media

How and Why Luxury Brands Should Embrace TikTok

Luxury brands can no longer ignore this burgeoning giant.

Redes sociales

Cómo y por qué las marcas de lujo deberían adoptar TikTok

Las marcas de lujo ya no pueden ignorar a este gigante floreciente.


Easy Ways to Write Bold Business Copy for Your Website

Simple copy changes can help optimize your website for higher conversions.

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