Ray Gillenwater


Ray Gillenwater is the co-founder and CEO of SpeakUp and the co-founder of The Strength Co.

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Exercise Is a Waste of Time. Set Goals and Start Training to Achieve Them.

Stop using the gym the way a hamster does its wheel. Set goals and achieve them, to get to your personal destination.


How the Best Companies in the World Run All-Hands Meetings

Change your all-hands meetings and gain the trust of your valued employees.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Not Waste Your Employees' Time at Meetings

Are meetings simply keeping your employees away from their work? Adopt these rules to make them as productive as possible.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Make Your Office Millennial Friendly

Your company can no longer afford to ignore what this demographic wants.


Why Millennials in the Workplace 'Don't Care,' and 4 Things You Can Do

Why do these younger workers want? One of their kind lets us know.

Growing a Business

For True Employee Engagement, Follow These 6 Steps

Create a company where the team will put in extra discretionary effort, the sort required to create positive change.

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