Sabeer Nelli

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
CEO of Zil Money Corporation and Tyler Petroleum Inc

Sabeer Nelli, founder of, and Tyler Petroleum, is a successful East Texas businessman. Nelli is always building better software solutions in partnership with more than 70 dedicated developers and teams. Over 700,000 SMBs use the platform for their AP/AR.

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Business Ideas

Small Business Owners, Don't Run From Technology — Embrace It. Here Are 5 Strategies to Succeed.

All the new technologies and tools can be overwhelming for small business owners with fewer resources than bigger companies. These strategies will help you overcome these digital difficulties and seize the opportunities that new tech can provide.

Money & Finance

Most People Never Actually Read Terms and Conditions, But It's a Major Data Risk

Covid fueled a record expansion of desktop and mobile fintech applications, yet nearly three quarters of their users have no knowledge of how safe private data on them is.


La mayoría de las personas en realidad nunca leen los términos y condiciones, pero es un riesgo de datos importante

Covid impulsó una expansión récord de aplicaciones fintech móviles y de escritorio, sin embargo, casi tres cuartas partes de sus usuarios no saben qué tan seguros son los datos privados en ellos.

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