Sabeer Nelli
Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
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Reemplazar una mala contratación puede costarte miles de dólares — y la IA podría tener la culpa. Prueba estas 3 maneras de asegurarte de no caer en su trampa
Confiar demasiado en herramientas de contratación impulsadas por la inteligencia artificial significa eliminar la intuición humana del proceso de selección. ¿El resultado? Pierdes el talento más destacado y corres el riesgo de frenar el crecimiento de tu negocio a largo plazo.
Bad Hires Can Cost You Thousands to Replace — and AI May Be to Blame. Try These 3 Ways to Ensure You Don't Fall Into Its Trap.
Over-relying on AI-driven hiring tools means taking human intuition out of the hiring process. The result? You miss out on top talent and risk stifling long-term growth.
La nueva palabra de moda en los negocios es "autenticidad" — pero no caigas en su trampa, necesitas equilibrarla
Mientras reconozco el valor de liderar con autenticidad, mis experiencias como CEO me llevan a creer que hay algo más en esa historia. ¿Ser tú mismo te garantiza el éxito en un mercado en constante cambio?
Authenticity Is the Latest Business Buzzword — But Don't Fall Into Its Trap. You Need to Balance It With This.
While I see the value in leading with authenticity, my experiences as a CEO lead me to believe there is more to the story. Does being yourself guarantee success in a constantly changing market?
Small Business Owners, Don't Run From Technology — Embrace It. Here Are 5 Strategies to Succeed.
All the new technologies and tools can be overwhelming for small business owners with fewer resources than bigger companies. These strategies will help you overcome these digital difficulties and seize the opportunities that new tech can provide.
Most People Never Actually Read Terms and Conditions, But It's a Major Data Risk
Covid fueled a record expansion of desktop and mobile fintech applications, yet nearly three quarters of their users have no knowledge of how safe private data on them is.
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