Sam Madden
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Is a Robot the 'New Entrepreneur'?
Hint: Check-out jobs are threatened. But service jobs with distinct cognitive skills are safe. "Terminator 2" isn't here yet.
How 'Uberizing' the Small Business Economy Is Driving Growth
On-demand platforms provide convenience for the client, with a high volume of jobs being sent to workers or small businesses.
3 Reasons No Money Is No Barrier to Starting Your Business
The Internet offers cheap tools to create, finance and market a legitimate business -- with all the advantages and opportunity that brings.
4 Ways an Entrepreneur Can Increase Liquidity
For new business-owners, the bar to growing something from nothing is lower than ever. . . as long as you keep your cash-flow fluid.
What the HomeJoy Failure Tells Us About the Future of the On-Demand Economy
The home services market is enormous, yet there is not a lot of room for middle men.
4 Money-Saving Apps for Today's On-the-Go Entrepreneur
From parking to mileage, a look at how road warriors can save time and money.
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