Saptak Bardhan: Page 4

Former Trainee Writer

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What's Trending In 2023: Web3

A report by CoinTelegraph suggests that India is home to over 450 Web3 startups of which four are unicorn companies. The Indian Web3.0 ecosystem has clocked $1.3 billion in funding in April of 2022


Making the Future Transparent and 'Permission-Less'

The company is a firm believer in open source as Roshan Vadassery, founder, Permissionless sees a future where transparency and shared ownership are two defining variables in macro consumerism


Simplifying Investments

The company designed its financial analysis, screener and alerting products accordingly. The products aim to solve three priorities for investors - easy discovery, effortless tracking and real-time alerting of a diverse set of events

News and Trends

CollegeDekho Raises $9 Million Led by Winter Capital Partners

The company's revenues reached nearly 100 crore in FY 21-22 and is on track to double it in the coming financial year while also turning EBITDA positive


Fiat Launches First Metaverse-Powered Dealship in Italy

The customers will be able to buy the flagship model, 500 La Prima by Bocelli in the initial stages before extending the experience to other Fiat 500 line-ups in late December.

News and Trends

e-TRNL Energy Raises INR 7.5 Crore In a Pre-Seed Funding Round Led By Speciale Invest

Funds will be utilized to accelerate the product cycle reducing the time-lines to deliver the products to its customers