Sarah Vermunt


Sarah Vermunt is the founder of Careergasm. As a career coach, she helps people quit jobs they hate so they can do work they love.

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Considering a Career Change? Here's the Truth About the Messy Middle.

It's often worth it, but it's less glamorous than people make it out to be.

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Why Struggle Is a Good Thing, Even If We Never Want It

It doesn't seem like it now, but struggle makes you better in more ways than one.

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The Biggest Hidden Cause of Burnout (and What to Do About It)

Hint: Burnout has nothing to do with overworking.

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4 Ways to Focus Fiercely and Stress Less

Are there things you're striving for that you can let go of so you can focus more fiercely on the things you care about most?

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Why You Should Embrace Your Inner Amateur

Fear of making mistakes is crippling your progress.


Why You Should Start Taking a Proper Lunch Break

Do you typically scarf something down while hunched over your desk? It's killing your productivity.

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