Scott Schoeneberger


Scott Schoeneberger is the managing partner at Bluewater Technologies, a design-forward technology company headquartered in Wixom, Mich., that empowers leaders and organizations with capabilities to leave a lasting impact.

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Innovation is an Incremental Process. Here are 3 Ways to Reach Your Big Idea.

To truly innovate isn't only about making massive changes or breakthrough discoveries.


La innovación es un proceso incremental. Aquí hay 3 formas de alcanzar su gran idea.

Innovar de verdad no se trata solo de realizar cambios masivos o descubrimientos importantes.

Science & Technology

3 Ways to Curb Chaos and Pull Off Last-Minute Virtual Events

To make impromptu gatherings seem like a breeze, follow these tips.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Losing Employees to Competitors? Modern Workspaces Can Help You Keep Them.

Employees want tech in the office -- here's how to give it to them.

Growing a Business

You Grew Your Startup, Now Build Your Advisory Board

No company is complete without an advisory board. Here's how to build one.


You Built Great Culture, Now How Do You Leverage It for Great Work?

Let your evolving corporate culture lead to greatness.

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