Shana Starr


An avid PR strategist, Shana Starr has had the opportunity to own and create two successful PR companies, LFPR (established 2008) and RMS (established 2003). She has an extensive background creating successful media campaigns working across all types of industries. 

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Business Ideas

5 Takeaways From The 2016 Olympics for Business Owners

Look to swimmer Ryan Lochte, for instance, for a lesson about fabricating the truth.

Growing a Business

3 Questions to Make Sure Your Content Starts the Conversation

Consider what is happening now, what it means to your business peers and why is it interesting to an editor.

Thought Leaders

3 Tips to Ignite the Creative Spark

Creativity is fundamental in PR, but that's far easier said than done.

Growing a Business

Has Your Client Walked? Why You Shouldn't Say 'Goodbye.'

Three tips on maintaining and strengthening business relationships

Business Process

4 Tips to Make Sure Your Content Isn't Fluff

You can't establish your expertise by telling people what they already know.

Social Media

It's No Longer a Question Whether to Use Social Media for Customer Service

If someone had a bad experience, chances are they are going to talk about it. Here are five tips to craft a strategy to respond.

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