William Hall
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Every Small Business Needs a Computer Crash Plan
Recovering from a catastrophic data loss is entirely possible, but only if you're prepared.
The 5 Greatest Lessons I Learned Working With Steve Jobs During the Apple Turnaround
If you're ever given the opportunity to help turn an ailing company around, don't listen to the naysayers. Stick around -- and learn.
4 Steps to Build Strategically Critical Leadership-Development Programs
Don't just tell employees why training is important -- show them: Use hands-on learning that connects your content to real-world business situations.
You've Had the Annual Strategy Development Meeting. Now What?
A strategic plan demands strategic execution across the whole of your business. Plans are just paper until leaders getting people to implement them. Here's how.
High-Tech Startups Need to Ditch the 'Engineers Rule' Mentality
Everyone is in the people business. Create a balance between ideas and execution to ensure the long-term success of your new company.
My Career in Silicon Valley Taught Me the Futility of 80-Hour Work Weeks
The much-maligned 40-hour work week is actually a pretty good way to work for the long term.
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