William Hall


William Hall is President of Strategy and Learning at SimStudios where he builds business simulations for Fortune 500 companies globally. He has more than 20 years experience, working with Apple, Skype and more. He’s a five-time Apple MVP and Golden Apple award winner and has an MBA in entrepreneurship and economics.

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Science & Technology

Every Small Business Needs a Computer Crash Plan

Recovering from a catastrophic data loss is entirely possible, but only if you're prepared.


The 5 Greatest Lessons I Learned Working With Steve Jobs During the Apple Turnaround

If you're ever given the opportunity to help turn an ailing company around, don't listen to the naysayers. Stick around -- and learn.


4 Steps to Build Strategically Critical Leadership-Development Programs

Don't just tell employees why training is important -- show them: Use hands-on learning that connects your content to real-world business situations.


You've Had the Annual Strategy Development Meeting. Now What?

A strategic plan demands strategic execution across the whole of your business. Plans are just paper until leaders getting people to implement them. Here's how.

Starting a Business

High-Tech Startups Need to Ditch the 'Engineers Rule' Mentality

Everyone is in the people business. Create a balance between ideas and execution to ensure the long-term success of your new company.


My Career in Silicon Valley Taught Me the Futility of 80-Hour Work Weeks

The much-maligned 40-hour work week is actually a pretty good way to work for the long term.

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