Business Name Basics If you operate under a fictitious business name, there are some important requirements to keep in mind.
If you're starting a sole proprietorship or a partnership,you have the option of choosing a business name or dba (doingbusiness as) for your business. This is known as a fictitiousbusiness name. If you want to operate your business under a nameother than your own (for instance, Carol Axelrod dba Darling DonutShoppe), you may be required by the county, city or state toregister your fictitious name.
In some states, you have to place a fictitious name ad in yourlocal newspaper for a certain amount of time. In most cases, thenewspaper that prints this fictitious name ad will also file thenecessary papers with the county for a small fee.
Excerpted from Start Your Own Business: The Only Start-Up GuideYou'll Ever Need