What's Your Birth Order? It might affect your bottom line.
Did you know that whether you're the oldest or youngest inyour family influences how you run your business? Birth orderaffects not only the types of companies entrepreneurs start, butalso how they manage those businesses. That's according toFrank Sulloway, author of Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics, andCreative Lives.
Sulloway says first-borns tend to be conscientious, obedient,hard-driving and bossy. Later-borns are more flexible, innovative,laid-back and sociable. These characteristics can impactentrepreneurs from the start: Older siblings often go for the safebet, while the younger ones are likely to be risk-takers.First-borns might make better franchisees, while later-borns oftenundertake more experimental and quirkier businesses. The solution?Sulloway suggests joining forces with your siblings, if possible.Together you offset your "inborn weaknesses" and canbuild a better business.