Marriott Grants $150,000 To Establish Franchising Minority Scholarship Program <b></b>
Washington, DC-Steve Joyce, Marriott Internationalexecutive vice president of owner and franchise relations,announced that Marriott has approved a grant of $150,000 to theInternational Franchise Association's Educational Foundation toa establish a franchising minority scholarship program.
Joyce commented that Marriott is committed to supporting theinitiatives of the foundation to expand education and careeropportunities for minorities in franchising. Sid Feltenstein, IFAFoundation chairman, praised Marriott for its support of thefoundation's efforts. He noted that the company's donationwill be added to the Pepsi Foundation's earlier $200,000 grant,and will bring the total fundraising drive to $1.83 million, 73percent of the foundation's $2.5 million goal.
Marriott's grant will establish a restricted fund for thepurpose of developing and supporting a franchise minorityscholarship program, with scholarship awards being made in the nameof Marriott and the IFA Foundation. -International FranchiseAssociation