Edwards Global Services Inc. (EGS)

Edwards Global Services Inc. (EGS)

International market research, operations, and development solutions for franchisors

Company Overview

Edwards Global Services provides a complete international solution for franchisors, from the initial global market research and country prioritization, to developing new international markets and providing operational support around the world. They offer experience as franchisors, international licensees, franchisees, and consultants working with 30-plus U.S. franchise brands across 40 countries; knowledge across education, food and beverage, retail, and service sectors, and diverse cultures; an operations and development team in more than 40 countries, experienced in finding, qualifying, signing, starting up, growing, and fixing intentional licensees; and trademarked processes and services based on decades of problem-solving experience.

About Edwards Global Services Inc. (EGS)

HQ Location
Irvine, CA

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