Heena Mak


Heena Mak is the Director of Strategy and Research at SOCIALEYEZ, a digital engagement agency whose core purpose is to empower organizations to build more meaningful relationships with their target audience. By combining an understanding of client objectives with an understanding of user behavior, SOCIALEYEZ implements digital engagement strategies that increase the level and quality of engagement.


Growth Strategies

"Thread" Lightly: What Brands Need To Know About This Emerging Social Media Platform

Amidst our artificial intelligence-charged world, Threads underscores the undeniable power of dialogue. For brands, it serves as a stark reminder that even as we get deeper into digital complexity, the potency of authentic conversations remains unrivalled.

Social Media

Making Your Presence Felt In The Current Digital Landscape: Stay Ahead Of The Game With These Five Key Trends

The digital world is on the brink of significant transformation, and keeping up with the newest trends is critical for brands seeking to effectively engage and inspire their target audience.

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