Kaushik Bhattacharya


Bhattacharya  is an IT Bus­iness Strategy & Man­agement Consultant with over 23 years gl­obal experience in Strategy definition, Roadmap Creation, Gr­owth Acceleration, Policy Execution, Peo­ple Management for emerging companies. He is a Thought Lead­er on IT Business Ma­nagement,Start-up Me­ntoring and has expe­rience in growing IT business unit from start-up as well as an off-shoot of large IT organization.


He is also an Evange­list in the areas of BigData, Analytics, Customer Experience Management, Digital Transformation and a Speaker, Coach & Writer on Business Growth, Sales Excelle­nce.


Growth Strategies

This is Why Customer Engagement Can Make or Break a SME

Your behaviour with the customers can do wonders for your venture