Muthu Singaram and Prathistha Jain


Muthu Singaram is the CEO of IIT Madras HTIC Incubator. And, Prathistha Jain is the Director at Vibazone Pvt. Ltd. 



Some of the Challenges Medical Technology is Grappling With

The development and growth of medical technology lies in the hands of engineers and doctors to collaborate and solve the problem statements in the current scenario

News and Trends

Types of Prototype and their Usage

A vertical prototype is the back end of a product like a database generation to test front end


What is the Difference between Proof of Concept and Prototype ?

A prototype has almost all the functionalities of the end product, but will generally not be as efficient, artistically designed, or durable.


Are You Ready for Your Prototype?

Market study often reveals counter-intuitive facts about the market even if you think you are well acquainted with it

Growth Strategies

What Metrics Makes a Successful Incubator?

Incubators must set a combination of success metrics which is relevant and in tandem with the objectives

Growth Strategies

Partnerships, Linkages, Networks and Service Providers an Incubator Needs

Incubators have a stronger standing if they are supported by a partnership of public and private sectors

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