3 Startups Ideas From Entrepreneurs' Wives That Changed Their Lives These wives turned their husbands into entrepreneurs
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What is the most important element you need to start your own venture? Some might say it's team, funds, mentor, partner etc. I completely agree with you, you need all of these! But you are missing the most essential link without which you can't even think of startig a business venture, and that is "the idea'. Yes, it's "the idea' which will enable you to take a plunge and start your own journey, thereby, becoming an entrepreneur.
An idea is your identity as an entrepreneur. It is something which will make you big in long run and help you create your own success story. While at times coming up with an idea could prove to be the most difficult part, at times, it can strike you, anywhere, any time.
Even via a suggestion from some family member, your wive, husband, or a random friend. It can actually appear out of no where!
Here, I have penned down few amazing start-up ideas given to some entrepreneurs, by their wives, and they have worked wonderfully well for them.
1. SafetyKart
On one of the road trips Vikas Bagaria's wife Srijana wanted to use public washroom, but on seeing unhygienic conditions of the toilets almost everywhere during their trip, she said "Why can't we have a toilet seat sanitizer spray for the public washrooms, which when sprayed on the toilet seat removes all bacteria." And this is where the idea struck in Bagaria's mind and he turned it into a venture called SafetyKart.
PeeSafe is the product which they make under the brand SafetyKart. "My wife said, since we are looking to provide safety to people while using public toilets, we should name it PeeSafe. And in 6 months from that day we launched PeeSafe - Toilet Seat Sanitizer Spray" shared Bagaria.
2. Sminq
This startup was born out of a personal experience. Co-founder and ex CEO at TastyKhana, Shachin Bhardwaj was with his pregnant wife at a gynaecologist clinic where they were waiting in a long queue for their turn. As his wife was feeling hungry, he wanted to step out for a quick snack break. His wife asked the receptionist to inform them if their turn is due, but as there were many people waiting, she refused to inform them as it was hard for her to keep informing all via phone calls or any other method. This made Bhardwaj think that there should definitely be a better way to cater this problem, which resulted in the origination of SMINQ, which works on the module of making queues virtual and help customers hold their spot without being physically present.
"The need we are addressing here is people's time. We want people to use their time efficiently and more productivtly" said Shachin Bhardwaj, Founder, SMINQ.
SMINQ simply stands for "See Me In No Queue'.
3. WedMegood
Your wedding is fast approaching and you find yourself running out of time to get things done. In today's hectic schedule, where the solutions to most problems like shopping, food and commute are found on tech platforms, newly engaged couples are now taking their search for vendors and inspiration online.
And this is exactly where WedMeGood, an online wedding planning portal that provides solutions to all your wedding related woes, comes into the picture.
The idea of the portal was incepted out of a personal problem, when Mehak, founder of this platform, faced a series of hurdles while planning her wedding. While struggling to get things done on time, Mehak came up with the idea of starting something of her own in the wedding space. She discussed the same with her husband and together they founded a startup in February, 2014.
So who says that wives can only cook good food? I am sure, after reading this, your perception towards wives must have changed and you actually might ask your better half for a suggestio or two in the near future!