Carl Bates


High-performance business guru, Carl Bates, is a global entrepreneur, speaker, author, mentor and director who is currently based in South Africa. His expert advice focuses on building and growing top-performing businesses. He is the founder of



A Quest For Perfection

As the epitome of a Calibrator, Marissa Mayer is meticulously focused on building a better system - a standout of her achievements at Google. However, her challenges at Yahoo highlight what happens when a Calibrator is left unchecked by a balanced team - trying to solve people and culture issues with rules and systems.


How the Director Who Always Says No Is Harming Your Business

Diverse opinions on a board is a good thing - but is it boosting your business, or hindering growth and decisions?


Diversity Drives Board Performance

The composition of your board of directors can help you drive your company value and increase shareholder and other stakeholder returns.


Build a Business of Value

If you want to drive growth in your organisation, you need to listen to your board at critical junctions.


When to be Operational and When to be Strategic

When should you be diving deep into the detail, and when is it better to focus on the broad strokes?


Company Boards That Operate on Trust Drive Business Results

If you want a board that functions together in the best interests of the business, trust is a non-negotiable ingredient to success.

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