Douglas Kruger


From public speaking champion and record-holder to business consultant on expert positioning, strategy and growth, Douglas Kruger is the author of five best-selling books, including 50 Ways to Become a Better Speaker, 50 Ways to Position Yourself as an Expert, and So You’re in Charge. Now What? 52 Ways to Become a Better Leader. 



3 Ways to Dominate Your Market

How you can become the Branson of Business, the Clarkson of Cars, the Oprah of Talk Show TV.


They're Your Rules, Break Them

Could your brand benefit from the surprise factor? If you can package your information into a 'mystery', you'll hold your audience in the palm of your hand.

Starting a Business

Launching A Business That Can Learn And Grow

There are three templates to starting a business. Get this first step right, and success will fall into place.


World–Conquering Innovation For Free

Learn to think differently, encourage your team to do the same, and innovative disruption could become a part of your company's DNA.

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