Abhi Dwivedi: An exceptional entrepreneur in Saas and technology

By Aleksandre Siradze

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In this modern age, the business and tech ecosystems are working hand-in-hand to foster robust global economies and incredible success in the commercial landscapes. There are some key playmaker leading the front in the quest to harness technology for business efficiency and increase in turnover. Abhi Dwivedi is one of these frontline industry players.

Abhi Dwivedi is a thriving businessman, with a rich understanding of the business/technology worlds, as well as the intersection between them. He leveraged this to carve a niche for himself in the digital marketing space. He is ranked as the No. 1 seller on JVzoo. Quite incredible!

He commenced his career in the digital marketing space at the age of 14- an age when young chaps are ordinarily expected to focus more on high school studies. Abhi saw the potential in that space and wouldn't give in until he carved a niche for himself. He sold his first product as a high school student, raking in $7000+ per month. " I was doing six to seven thousand dollars every two to three weeks which was a lot of money for a kid from a small town in India and I had nothing to spend the money on. So literally I was making and saving it. It was just fun." Abhi noted.

For him, the grit has been there since childhood. It's therefore not surprising to see him blazing trail in the digital marketing space and founding leading companies in that industry. Abhi has built two 7-figure companies. He is the founder and CEO of VineaSX- a SAAS and technology company in Dubai. He also founded ReelApps.io- a video marketing Saas startup. Abhi is adept at sighting and maximising emerging business trends. This pretty much explains his voyage into integrating Cryptocurrency into small businesses' payment methods when he founded Koincart- a crypto shopping cart solution. Until 2017, he was the CEO and co-founded Vega 6 Technologies- a software development company in India.

Abhi believes having a single stream of income is not a viable business model. When asked about his reason for running multiple companies simultaneously, he noted that: 'A single source of income is frequently insufficient for companies to function. A company may need to look into different streams of revenue as it grows and changes over time as a result of the necessity to maintain cost. Let me tell you this– making one product with a high-profit margin that sells like hotcakes is not the fastest way to becoming an entrepreneur millionaire. To effectively amass riches, it is ideal to have multiple sources of income.' However, effective management of multiple thriving companies with different income streams is not always a walk in the park. When asked if any of his businesses had failed in previous times, he noted that: I've had my share of failures and I have worked my way out of them. I'm a firm believer of learning from failures but with an exit strategy.'

As a well-travelled businessman, he has built robust relationships with top-class industry players. He believes networking is pivotal to the sustenance and growth of businesses. In his words, 'I can fly a thousand miles to London. Being at events has actually quadrupled my business. Come to events, and meet new people. It will always help your business and companies'

He has a sheer passion for teaching and sharing helpful marketing strategies for online businesses, product revenues and tutorials to help businesses improve their web skills. He enjoys helping folks in the online market space thrive. You should check out his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/abhidwivedi where he has over 130 videos to his credit.

Follow Abhi on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/abhi.dw/ and you can also connect with him on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhidwivedi/

You can as well check out his Twitter handle via https://twitter.com/lazyabhi or read more about him here: https://en.wikialpha.org/wiki/Abhi_Dwivedi

Aleksandre Siradze

Entrepreneur Staff

Journalist & Executive Director

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