Augmented Reality: Page 9

Health & Wellness

How Augmented Reality Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Take advantage of the latest and the greatest in AR to help you reach your next fitness goal.

Science & Technology

3 VR Startups That Are Predicting the Future of Ecommerce

The technology to bring virtual reality into the ecommerce world is here and ready to be implemented. Entrepreneurs just have to be ready for it.


How Augmented Reality is Changing the Way We Shop for Furniture

IKEA's decision to build an AR app with Apple's ARkit has given a boost to the segment


3 Amazing Effects of Pokémon Go, Which Is Now a Year Old

The augmented reality game continues to be a big deal.


Apple Acquires Company Building Eye-Tracking Glasses

Apple has reportedly purchased SensoMotoric Instruments, a German technology company that specializes in eye-tracking glasses.

Business News

Could an Update Mean a Google Glass Resurgence?

The wearable tech got its first software update in nearly three years, but it only adds Bluetooth support and some unnamed bug fixes.

Science & Technology

Real Estate, Movies, Retail: VR Is Exploding. The Opportunities for Entrepreneurs Are Huge.

The 'Art of VR' conference in New York City features an alien bursting from a human, and lots of people excited about this burgeoning industry.

Business News

Check Out This Augmented Reality Version of 'Super Mario Bros.' Iconic First Level

The developer jumps on Goombas and over gaps in this cool demo.


We Might See An Ikea AR App In Apple's Upcoming iOS

Ikea is reportedly planning on letting iPhone owners see how furniture looks in their homes before purchasing it from the store.

Business News

Augmented and Virtual Reality Headed to Macs and iPhones

Apple is giving Google's Tango AR platform a run for its money, and also plans to bring support for VR headsets to future Macs.


Merging the Digital and Real World Experience

Blippar app was born out of a joke at a remote bar located in south-west England

Business News

The Big Trends From Google I/O 2017

Google I/O 2017 was a continued transformation of the company, from machine learning to greater control of Android. Here's what we learned at the show.

Science & Technology

The Augmented Reality Workforce is Coming -- Here's What You Need to Know

AR has the potential to provide a workplace dynamic that is unlike anything we've ever seen, and the results could be a net gain for everybody.

Science & Technology

4 Ways Your Website Should Change Over the Next 5 Years

All businesses need to keep up with modern internet technology if they want to maintain their competitive edge.


Apple Has NASA Engineers Working On AR Glasses

Apple is working hard on sorting out its VR and AR capabilities, and now it looks like they will take the help of the engineers from NASA.