Baby Boomers: Page 3

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Gen Z Expects Employers to Treat Them Differently. Here's How to Bridge the Generational Gap.

In an economy where younger generations enter the workforce while older ones remain in it out of financial necessity, it pays to bridge the generational gap.

Business News

More Than 2.7 Million Americans Over 55 Are Considering Making This Huge Career Decision Because of the Pandemic

Baby boomers are increasingly growing disillusioned about going back to the office.

Resumes & Interviewing

5 Advantages Older Workers Have Over Other Job Candidates

There's a lot to be said for workers who prefer stability, and who are more willing to build years worth of experience at your company.


¿Es alcanzable el sueño americano?

Es posible que un trabajo de 9 a 5 no lo ayude a alcanzar el sueño americano, pero agregar ingresos pasivos trae esperanza estadounidense.

Thought Leaders

Is the American Dream Attainable?

A 9-to-5 job may not help you reach the American dream, but adding passive income brings American hope.


When It Comes to Work-Life Balance, Do Boomers Have It Better?

There's something to be said for having some money saved up while being able to telecommute.


3 Ways to Market Effectively to Different Generations

Start by discarding some unfounded assumptions.


How and Why Entrepreneurs Should Focus on Seniors in 2019

You know those images of meek old ladies sitting in their gardens? Uh-uh. That's not reality.


Tap Into Baby Boomers' Buying Power With These 5 Easy Website Tricks

The most important thing to keep in mind when marketing to people over 50 years of age is readability.


7 Tips for Marketing Your Content to Baby Boomers (And Why You Should)

More often than not, they are your ideal customer.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Is Your Generation the Most Valuable at Work?

From willingness to learn to creative thinking, here's how millennials, gen Xers and boomers stack up.