carbon footprints


5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Leverage a Minimalist Mindset to Propel Their Company Forward

Minimalism is smart business. The shift from more to better will drive our next wave of economic advancement, and start-ups are well-positioned to build highly efficient enterprises from the ground up.

Business News

Want to Go Green? A New Study Says Full-Time Remote Workers Slash Their Greenhouse Gas Emissions By Half

Hybrid employees, meanwhile, cut their emissions by a third.

Business News

Apple, Walmart Will Have to Report Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under Proposed New Law

The bill requires companies in California with annual revenues exceeding $1 billion to report greenhouse gas emissions data starting in 2026, with phased rollouts for different emission categories.

Business News

How to Choose Carbon Credits That Actually Cut Emissions

Carbon credits are an important way to reduce your carbon footprint, but they can be confusing. Here's what you need to know.

Buying / Investing in Business

The Carbon Credit Market Could Grow 50X Bigger: How One Pioneering Platform Is Meeting the Demand

Corporations need quality carbon offset credits to stand by their zero-carbon commitments, fueling 50X potential market growth – and you can invest in EthicStream's carbon credit platform before the boom.

Business News

This Startup Is Using Plants to Capture Carbon Emissions

Carba converts plant waste into a charcoal-like substance called biochar.

Business News

6 Meaningful Ways to Reduce Your Company's Carbon Footprint

Businesses implementing successful green programs have seen cost savings, improved public image, boosted morale, and reduced environmental impact.

Business News

Digital Ads Are Fueling a Climate Disaster. Take These Steps to Offset The Industry's Hidden Toll on Our Planet.

Digital ads are destroying our planet and we're all part of the problem. Take these steps to be part of the solution.

Science & Technology

There's No Future in Technology or Sustainability Unless These 4 Things Change

There's no future in technology or sustainability without mining. Unless some things change, the industry won't be able to meet global demand over the coming decades.


How Can We Make European Businesses Greener?

What practical steps can we take to not only prove our green credentials but make a lasting, positive impact on our planet? Let's explore the basics.

News and Trends

Tackling Global Warming Through Carbon Credits

EKI Energy Services plays a role in climate control action by managing projects which significantly contributes in reduction of carbon footprint or carbon emissions

Green Entrepreneur

Can Technology Help Us Fight Climate Change?

The world's most pressing environmental issues are of our own making, so it's up to us to find ways to solve them.

Green Entrepreneur

3 Sustainability Trends Driving Change in the Food and Nutrition Industry

"Sustainability" means many different things to different people, but that diversity comes with more opportunities for entrepreneurs in the food industry to make more sales and boost their bottom line.


We Have the Tools To Get To Net Zero Emissions. Let Us Use Them

As the effects of climate change result in more severe weather events like bushfires and floods-people know the price of remaining dependent on polluting fuels is too high


Factors To Consider Before Buying an Air Purifier

With air pollution on the rise and a sea of options available in the market, it is a tricky affair to zero in on the best air purifier